Time is money!
Article #2: Time is money!

One of the prominent aspects in determination of profitable staff at work is the ability to efficiently manage time. Subsequently, it becomes an indicator of employee personal effectiveness or, in most cases, even collective one.
Eisenhower's Window
During the work shift, day, week, month, year proper distribution of work effort in time characterizes the specialist as a competent professional; and dynamic development attainments of efficient use of time as labor force - as a perspective leader.
The sphere of management aimed at optimizing operation processes called time management. This article is presented as an example of one method of time management usage at work. We hope it can help you to acquire useful skills to plan and distribute your functions, and improve the activities of personal effectiveness.
To start describing the method of time management, called Eisenhower's Window. Method name speaks for itself, because it is basically the distribution of tasks in four parts in the image which looks like "a window". Let's present these four sectors, number them and give the titles. Each sector consists of two basic "criteria". One of them points to priority of tasks. We denote them as "significant" and "insignificant". The next fragment of our "framework" defines "urgent" or "not urgent" problems. As a result, combining the names of four parts of "smart window", we obtain the attractive and useful "window-frame".
- First quarter: significant - urgently;
- Second quarter: significant - not urgent;
- Third quarter: insignificant - urgently;
- Fourth quarter: insignificant - not urgent.
Now let's talk about the filling of these parts.
Significant - urgently
Reflect here that list of tasks and affairs, which you should execute as quickly as possible. And what is more, this part has to show your usual but really significant affairs, such as reports for the head, everyday briefings, starting and adjustment of your PC, etc. In other words - all tasks which importance is an axiom and don't require confirming. This sector has the character of expeditious execution and has a high degree of a priority.
Significant - not urgent
There is the list of affairs of indeed a global sense in the second sector. For example, plan of strategic progress, developing and application. Here you should refer the daily cares which aren't demanding your participation immediately, but having influence on the predictable result. It can be various interdepartmental coordination or other similar processes.
Insignificant - urgent
This segment is very interesting and disputable concerning its filling. As a rule, varied items, having individual nature, can be examples of its completing. Let's start, perhaps, with a cup of coffee. If this is cup of "the morning coffee", it's easily possible to agree that it influences the subsequent working capacity and - it should be drunk! Absolutely other attitude is towards it during the working day. Or let's talk, for example, about cigarettes. We wouldn't disaccustom you from this habit, but the reduction of influence of "smoke breaks" on labor process is in your hands. Also, we can give such example as calls to friends or relatives in this list. In working hours you are held liable for your phone conversations, but to parents it's better call in any case!
Insignificant - not urgent
This one carries out the function of some kind of "a dustbin". Here it is worth writing down "tasks-hindrances" once - and not to pay attention to them any more in the future.
So, as a conclusion, we want to emphasize that the regulation of working day and useful time, following Eisenhower's Window of priorities, will have a positive impact on achieving the highest possible efficiency in your job fulfillment. And in the issue, it should become a key indicator of your wage and career growth.
Author: Job-less.info - Find the right job for you
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